Society of Women In Space Exploration Rice Chapter (SWISE Rice)
Women make up about 25% of the aerospace industry. These figures have been rather static in the last 20 years. In this male-dominated industry, we want to reach out to students and let them know that times are changing and there is room for women in the industry.
Founded in June 2020, SWISE Rice aims to provide a platform to women and other diversities in STEM to talk and discuss current trends, issues, and be able to have open conversations about career paths. We want to promote and encourage diversity in an otherwise male-dominated sector.
We plan on hosting events that help students connect to industry professionals and ask them questions about careers and their journey. These include but are not limited to guest lectures, panel discussions, and group discussions. We also want to showcase and celebrate the achievements and diversity in the industry through outreach programs and movie nights. We want to reach out to middle and high school students and make them aware of the different opportunities in STEM.
SWISE Rice is an official affiliate of SEDS Rice and all SWISE members receive the full benefits of SEDS Rice members. To become involved with SWISE Rice, connect with us today!
Feni Pandya
SEDS Rice | Vice President